In Virginia, we cover the cost of ultrasounds for women in need through a partnership with a local Pregnancy Support Center.


Robert Gray

OEH was founded by Bob Gray in July of 2023. Robert is a retired Army Officer, a husband, a father, and grandfather with three sons and four grandchildren. 

Robert had the privilege of being present while his daughter-in-law received her ultrasound during her pregnancy. The purpose of the ultrasound was to determine the overall health and gender of the baby, and it turned out to be one of the most extraordinary experiences of his life. As the technician moved the sensor across her belly, he had the unique opportunity to witness every part of his grandson, from his ten little toes and fingers to his stomach, kidneys, and that tiny, miraculous beating heart.

The sound of that tiny heartbeat brought tears to his eyes and left an indelible mark on his heart. The profound feeling that washed over him that day will remain with him forever—the knowledge that he would soon be able to hold and love his grandson, causing goosebumps to rise on his arms. This remarkable experience ignited in Robert a deep passion for ensuring that every heartbeat, every life, is seen, cherished, and supported, which led to the foundation of Operation Every Heartbeat.

He was surprised to learn there are many healthcare providers that do not include prenatal ultrasounds in their policies and that approximately 30% of women cannot afford their deductibles ($3K - $4K). 

So, he is asking for your help to ensure that every heartbeat is heard, and every heartbeat is seen…to help him help those women in need. 

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